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DATE: Thursday, October 17, 2024
ID: SA003
TITLE: Working with Neurodiverse Students on College Campuses
TIME: 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST
FACILITATOR: Dr. Jane Thierfeld Brown is one of the leading authorities in the country on this subject. She is Director of College Autism Spectrum, former Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Child Study, Yale Medical School and retired Director of Student Services at the University of Connecticut School of Law. She has worked in Disability Services for 43 years.
In our ever-evolving educational landscape, it is imperative for college educators to cultivate inclusive environments and including those who are neurodivergent. Effectively working with neurodivergent students not only enhances their college experience but also fosters a more equitable and enriching environment for all. This virtual professional learning opportunity will provide staff with comprehensive insights and practical strategies to better understand, support, and empower neurodivergent students in Residence Life, Counseling settings, Student Life offices, Activities, Academic Support, Peer Mentors and all Staff offices.
- Overview of Neurodiversity/Autism
- Making your campus more accessible to Neurodiverse students
- How is your campus effected
- Strategies for more effective meetings
- Classroom and campus conduct and behavior
- Ways to improve your campus environment
- Best practices for working with students
- Understand Neurodiversity/Autism
- Improve meetings with Neurodiverse students
- What are the laws surrounding behavior and conduct as they relate to this population?
- How can staff improve their services and the campus environment for Neurodiverse students?
- What is appropriate for all stakeholders, students, parents, faculty and staff.